Saturday, October 15, 2011


This rose has been a favorite of mine for a long time.  When I moved into this house 10 years ago, it was here.  It survived a house fire followed by 9 months of no care while the house was being rebuilt.  It survived years of waterlogged soil, then being dug up and put in a pit while a new planter was being built, and a final transplanting to the new planter in July of this year.
All along it has been a prolific bloomer with beautiful flowers and the best fragrance you could want from a rose.  It doesn't seem to get rust or other disease.
Abracadabra  Fragrance !!!
The description of this rose elsewhere on the internet states that it grows single bloom per stem. I have found that that may be true sometimes, but there are also multiple blooms per stem.  It makes a great cut flower when single, but when the multiple blooms come out the air is perfumed.  

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